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Sunday, March 07, 2010

♥ 3SG

finally, after so long ive started blogging agn... sorrie folks, didnt had da time 2 blog for a very long time... latets update, i juz finish my 6mths course in SISPEC n now im currently a 3SG rank... but da bad news is im posted to 3 Guards unit, which is in Bedok Camp 2... da unit is like da elite unit, like 1 step higher den infantry... i didnt expect 2 even get in to Guards unit, but now tt i am, im kinda scared bcuz i hv 2 go thru 1 mth GCC in order to get my Kaki Beret (Brown beret)... Well, juz pray i will b able to go thru da course n pass out as a Guardsman...

Well, sometimes i kept on thinkin of da gd old days back in poly... esp during yr 3.1, during final yr proj... haha... juz wanna relive tt moment once agn... well, i kinda feel like if i were able to turn back da time, i would go back 2 tt time, n start all over agn... dis time wif a diff future mayb... well, if onli tt was possible, but i noe its not... like wad Warrent Eric says, life has 2 go on...

The past has bn written, the present is for me 2 write while da future has yet 2 b written... Wad da future holds, no 1 noes... Let d past b a lesson learnt for me to shape da present for a better future... wish she was here by my side rite now...


♥ And did I tell you that I will LOVE you ALWAYS
1:07 AM
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

♥ POP LOR!!!!

Sorry people for not updating... Was very busy with my National Service at Pulau Tekong... SAF is kinda fun... The field camp and the various other activities... I even had to do Guard Duty during the weekend because my weapon got "stunned" by 3SG Yusof... Sian... But in the end, wif my friend also did the Guard Duty, we still had fun together doing it... 09/09/09, my POP.... My mom and Sayang came to see my POP Parade... Took pictures, but its wif Sayang, so must wait for her to sent it to me... Now awaiting my posting... Well, just receive calls about OCS (Officer Cadet School)... I seriously prefer SISPEC which is a Sergeant Specialist course, but if they think I have the potential to go into OCS, then so be it... Now, i don't really care where i go, as long as i get to go into Command School, be it in SISPEC or OCS... After that, my aim is to get posted out to Pulau Tekong back, to take care of the Recruits then if possible go sign on wif SPF, Singapore Police Force... Well, thats my aim rite now, may change though... So now, just wait for my posting which will come out soon enough...

Bought my Hari Raya baju kurung already... This year I'm wearing red... So is Sayang... Well, at first I wanted to get black, but change to red instead because its hard for her to find a black baju kurung... In the end also she had a hard time finding the same colour, but still she get to buy a red baju kurung... So we'll be wearing the same colour this year... Renting car during the Hari Raya also... Next week on the 18th the go collect, since wanna use it to get all the stuff to get ready for Hari Raya... Also dad want to go to my grandmother house at Bukit Merah 1 day before Hari Raya to sent food to them, so might as well rent car, then easier for him...

Coming November is our 1 yr anniversary wif Sayang... Thinking of doing something for her but the problem is what to do and when because must also think when I'm in camp and when is my off day, and also when she's free... So during my blocked leave, I'm planning for it and we'll just see what happen when the day draws closer yeah... Till then, take care everyone...


♥ And did I tell you that I will LOVE you ALWAYS
8:46 PM
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Monday, June 15, 2009

Muhammad Saidil Mohamed is in for National Service.
Okay, tats random.
& its juz Day1


♥ And did I tell you that I will LOVE you ALWAYS
11:09 PM
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Sunday, May 03, 2009

♥ My week

My week this week has been so great... Monday went for my Singapore Police Force selection process... I drove there... Then after the selection, pick up my mom and Ryanna before picking up my sis at her work place... Tuesday went to school to meet up with Sayang... Then spent time with her before sending her home using my sis car... Wednesday sent my sis car for service with my dad at Ubi... Then after that we went to Geylang to buy some food before heading back home... Then sent my dad to west plaza with my mom and Ryanna tagging along... Then we went to Pasir Ris Beach for awhile before sending them all home... Then, pick up Sayang, go back to my home again to pick up my mom and Ryanna, then pick up my sis and my aunt at their workplace then go walk2 at Downtown East... Then sent my aunt home, then my sis and mom then sent Sayang home... Thursday was the bestest best day because I get to went out with Sayang... Meet her at Tampines MRT Station... Then went to TM to buy movie tickets... Gonna watch X-Men Origins Wolfverine... But before we watched the movie, we went to eat at LJS... Then we watch the movie... Then we went to E Hub! to go play pool... Played for an hour or so, then we went to hang out at the beach before heading back home...

I'm so gonna miss my Sayang went I go in for my NS at Pulau Tekong... I know she gonna miss me much too... But this cannot be help... No matter what, i still have to go for my NS... Sorry Sayang... I promise that i will try to call you everyday ks Sayang.. Loving you always


♥ And did I tell you that I will LOVE you ALWAYS
11:43 AM
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Sunday, April 19, 2009

♥ Updates

Apologise for not updating my blog for a very long time... Been bz lately r... Let e juz remember what ive done for the past few wks...

Was sick during one of the days... Then helped out in Sayang's Sister's Camp at East Coast Park... Then, watched movie at AMK Hub with Sayang... Went to Hendersen Waves with Sayang too... Mentor Training Camp in TP in April... Went out with Sayang again before camp, go to town to collect my pay den meet up with her... Nite trip with Hazim and gang... Da nite trip was happening since at CCK Cementry dere got car drag race... N at OCH my fren saw something.. Pics taken also prove that we saw sth dere...

Lastly is Week 0 Orientation... I was the Diploma Head of IMT (Interactive Media Technology)... I was incharge of 2 classes, consisting of 4 mentors and 50 freshies... Everything went so smooth since I am handling a small course... Anywaes, we lost yet again in the Regatta... Business won for the 5th time... After tt, had buffet dinner where all the graduates including me hug each other while crying... Hazim 2 cried... Alot r... Me, Kak Pah, Hazim, Fifi, June, Sani, Yi Ting cried... Our last day in sch as an Engineering student... I still cant believe its been 3 yrs alrdy me in TP... Like da time pass by so fast and yet there were alot of memories that i hv throughout the course of my TP life...

To all my frenz, thanks so much for all the memories... To Hazim and gang, thanks for all the fun -filled memories we had together, which also includes the nite trip as well as the KL Trip... I hope someday we cld hv another nite trip n KL trip 2gether someday... To my other frenz, thx 4 da wonderful memories we had during my course in TP... To Malek, thanks for being my fren... I alrdy count u as my bestfriend... We hv known each other in camps since yr 2, and its been gr8 havin u as my fren and hanging out wif u be it outside, in sch, in camps or in BIZEN rm... Im gonna miss drinkin Redbull early in da morning, hanging out late at nite till nvr slp, our morning madness lolssss and esp all da jokes n fun we had... Thanks...

Lastly, i do hope everyone all the best in ur mere future... 4 those awaiting 4 NS, i hope 2 c u all in da same platoon as me... 4 those hu r not going for NS, i hope we cld spent time 2gether agn sometime... And 4 those hu r still studyin in sch, i wish u all the best in ur studies... I will try my very best 2 come back 2 TP during camps yeah... Hopefully i can come back during the EEO camp b4 i go for my NS... And i also do hope 2 come back during Week 0 Orientation agn... Thank you everyone once again... I will always remember u all no matter what... N i seriously gonna miss u all so much


♥ And did I tell you that I will LOVE you ALWAYS
10:30 PM
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Monday, March 16, 2009

♥ IT Show 2009

Working for the IT Show 2009 from Thursday until Sunday... I'm working as a Part-Time Promoter for this company called Newstead selling Dell Laptop... The pay is $30 per day and the commission is roughly around $5 - $20 depending on the free gifts we gave...

The first day of the IT Show was so damn frustrated because I wasn't able to sell any laptop... Reason being is the pricing as well as the gifts that we gave is abit to high as compared to other brands like Compaq or Lenovo... But on the 2nd day I was able to sell although 2 laptop only but atleast better then the first day... N btw, Sayang came... And after Sayang came, then I was able to sell the laptop... On the third day, I told myself to atleast get double then the 2nd day, and in the end I was able to sell 5 laptops... And on the last day, I seriously went all out and I was able to sell 12 laptops for the day... So in total, i was able to sell 19 laptops in 4 days... Not a good number but atleast its quite ok for me since this is my first time and also because of the economy recession... Now i'll just wait for my pay to come in end of this month...

The IT Show although it was tiring working from 11am till 10pm, but the people I've met was great... Everyone was very supportive of each other, telling each other to keep up the good work... Joyce and Charlie especially, our boss... Seriously, I like working with the people on te IT Show.. Although we only work with each other for 4 days only, but we still had fun along the way... And although we barely know each other, but its like we've known each other for a very long time...

Well, to the people from DELL working under Joyce and Charlie, i would like to say thank you for the wonderful time working with you all... It was nice working with you and I hope that we can work together in the mere future again... Do stay in contact yeah people... To Charlie and Joyce, thanks for the opportunity of having me as the promoter for the IT Show... Well, hope we can stay in contact again and see each other again sometime yeah


♥ And did I tell you that I will LOVE you ALWAYS
5:52 PM
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Monday, March 02, 2009

♥ Job Hunting

Ever since the end of my main exams paper, I've been job hunting ever since then... And I have yet to get myself a job... The only job that I got is the IT Fair on 12th March till 15th March at Suntec City... I'll be selling Dell Laptop there... So if anyone want to buy a laptop, do come down and buy from me yeah...

Everyday I'm so bored, with nothing to do other then searching for a job... Erm, I seriously got nothing else I wanna update which is the reason why I never updated for very long time even though I got the time... Another reason is because my macbook battery is flat, given the fact that my charger for my macbook is spoilt, so I kinda borrowed from my sis during one of the days just to charge it back... Sigh... Oh btw, the government gave $200 to every citizen aged 21 and above and I'm 21 this year... Although my birthday hasn't yet reached but fortunately they look at the year instead of the month... Phew... So now I'm $200 richer.. Wondering what I wanna buy... Or maybe just save it for future use... Alright, thats all for now... Take care always everyone and i apologize for now updating yeah...


♥ And did I tell you that I will LOVE you ALWAYS
8:35 PM
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♥ Blissed Lover ;

    Muhammad Saidil Bin Mohamed
    1st November 1988
    Temasek Polytechnic
    20 years old

♥ Lover's Song ;

    ♥ Lover's Likings ;

      Hangin out wif frenz
      Driving ard Singapore

    ♥ Lover's Hates ;


    ♥ Lover's Wishes ;

      To get a Diploma in Info-Communications
      To get my dream car --> Honda Civic Type R
      To be with my Sayang

    ♥ Pretty Moments

    ♥ Past rawr-ing